6. GREEK manuscripts are in two classes: “UNCIAL” (all capital letters) or “cursive” ( a running type of all small letters). Therefore, there are no “capitalized words” such as “Lord Jesus Christ” or “Spirit” or “Holy Spirit” in any Greek manuscript. All ideas of capitalization are absent. English capitalizes proper pronouns, Greek does not. Therefore, when you read “spirit” or “Spirit” you are reading not a translation but an interpretation or version, which is only accurate in your King James Bible that is based on the context and usage of “Spirit” or “spirit”.

7. APPLY what we have learned thus far to Paul’s trip. The applicable cases are as follows:

A. “Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me.” (Acts 20:23)

B.  Acts 20:23 “topneumatohagion” (reading of Textus Receptus Greek manuscript). I have separated the letters from before and after “the Holy Ghost”. Keep in mind all Greek manuscripts are “run on” and letters/words/sentences are not separated. This task is left up to the reader or translator.

TO give you an idea of what is involved, I have copied Acts 20:21-23, prior to any word separation or verse numbering:

“διαμαρτυρομενοςιουδαιοιςτεκαιελλησιντηνειςτονθεονμετανοιανκαιπιστιντηνειςτονκυριονημωνιησουχριστονκαινυνιδουεγωδεδεμενοςωπνευματιπορευομαιειςιερουσαλημταεαυτησυναντησονταμοιμη ειδωςπληνοτιτοπνευματοαγιονκαταπολινδιαμαρτυρεταιλεγονοτιδεαμεκαιθλιψειςμενουσιν”

EVEN this is a modern font and does not exactly reflect the running, handwritten cursive. Also, chapter, verse numbering and word separation in any Greek NT was added many years later to facilitate reading. Some know-it-alls even have the gall to presume to correct that which God has blessed for over 500 years. Thousands of men with more education and spiritual fruit than these modern critics have accepted the chapter/verse numbering without question.

THE literal word for word translation of the Textus Receptus Greek (“topneumatohagion”) is “the (to) spirit (pneuma) the (to) holy (hagion).” In cases such as this, where “pneuma” (spirit) has “hagion” with it, there is no doubt and beyond question that this refers to The Holy Spirit. Our KJB correctly translates the phrase by following Bible context and no worldly definitions, “the Holy Spirit” thus referring to the Third Person of the Godhead or Trinity. The Holy Ghost DID NOT FORBID Paul going to Jerusalem–He only warned that “bonds and afflictions” awaited Paul.
YOU don’t need Greek to know this, just read it in English. The student now notices that the KJB puts another “odd” word for “pneuma” here: GHOST! This happens in certain cases referring to “the Holy Ghost” and has a definite meaning and blessing for the Bible believer.

IN the NIV you will find “ghost” 6 times, 2 in the OT and 4 in the NT. The NKJV, which some silly folks think is the same Bible as the KJV, has “ghost” only 2 times. Since all modern versions such as the NIV, NKJV, etc., are dumbed down versions for dumbed down English readers who have allowed Halloween and Casper in corrupted English to totally define “ghost” for them —they stumble off into la-la land with their “Halloween bibles”, while observing the “holy” (hallo) “evening” (ween) to the devil and the dead. Another study will cover the Biblical meaning and difference between “Holy Spirit” and “Holy Ghost” ( both refer to the same  Divine Person, the Third Member of the Godhead, but in different operations).

C. The Greek word “pneuma” ALSO CAN mean “wind” and “hagion” can mean “special or set apart”. So, ignoring CONTEXT and using the terms like the Greek world used them, the words could just mean “a special wind” or “power” thus eliminating the Holy Spirit from the verse. This is the exact method used by the Jehovah Witnesses in their “New World Translation” to eliminate the Personality of the Holy Spirit even though the context (other usage) demands the Holy Spirit is just as much a Person and God as the Father and the Son. (John 16:7-ff)

D. The point is that in this warning in Acts 20:23 that bonds and afflictions await in Jerusalem, there is no prohibition or implication in this reference that Paul was not to go to Jerusalem.

E. Acts 21:11 is the same construction as above in Acts 20:23. There is no doubt that in both cases the Holy Ghost DOES NOT prohibit Paul from going to Jerusalem but only GIVES CONFIRMATION to not only what Paul already knew awaited him, but also to others that they might pray for him as he faced these future “bonds and afflictions.”

“11 And when he was come unto us, he took Paul’s girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.
12 And when we heard these things, both we, and they of that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem.
13 Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.
14 And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord be done.” (Acts 21:11-14 KJB)

THEREFORE, we read that Luke and the others, hearing this prophecy by Agabus, did not want Paul to suffer these things. However, when they saw that Paul already knew what awaited and it meant nothing to him to suffer for The Lord Jesus, they ACCEPTED HIS JERUSALEM TRIP, saying, “The will of the Lord be done.” They did not say, “OK Paul, have it YOUR way!”

F. Acts 21:3-5

3 Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we left it on the left hand, and sailed into Syria, and landed at Tyre: for there the ship was to unlade her burden.
4 And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: who said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem.
5 And when we had accomplished those days, we departed and went our way; and they all brought us on our way, with wives and children, till we were out of the city: and we kneeled down on the shore, and prayed. (Acts 21:3-5 KJB)

“diatoupneumatos”  Here we have a different wording from the other two. IF WE WANTED TO PLAY THE GREEK GAME we could very well argue that this reference is NOT TO THE HOLY SPIRIT AT ALL BUT SIMPLY MAN’S SPIRIT, “through (dia) the (tou) spirit (pneumatos)”.”TO HAGION” is not in the passage!! Since LUKE DOES NOT RECORD THE SAME DESIGNATION HERE AS IN TWO PRECEDING INSTANCES ON THE SAME SUBJECT, we could translate it to be simply their spirit involved with the prophecy.

BUT I WILL NOT!  The English text reads “the Spirit” (because “hagion” holy, is not in the text) and I believe this is the Holy Spirit here. The answer is right before us in the context.
NOTICE the reference in verse 4 and 5: “And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: who said to Paul through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem and when we had accomplished those days…” Why not allow that the words “should not go up to Jerusalem” refer to the seven days Paul and Luke waited? What kind of person is it that finds fault with the Bible at every opportunity?

Observe the word order:
1. Finding disciples–we tarried seven days–( why wait seven days? There is no other reason for tarrying a whole week other than what Dr Luke mentions) who said to Paul through the Spirit–that he should not go up to Jerusalem—And when we had accomplished those days (What days? The only reason in the context to mention 7 days is the delay in going to Jerusalem), we departed and went our way;
2. THEREFORE, if Paul was out of the will of The Lord and I use that “IF” only for sake of argument. Every person who believes Paul was out of God’s will in going to Jerusalem, ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS WITH SCRIPTURE:
1. Why did Luke continue with Paul, if Paul was disobeying God?
2. Was Luke also out of the will of The Lord?
3. Why did those disciples, (with wives and children) who supposedly told him not to go to Jerusalem at all, GO OUT OF THE CITY AND PRAY WITH PAUL?
4. Were they also now out of the will of the Lord?
“…and they all brought us on our way, with wives and children, till we were out of the city: and we kneeled down on the shore, and prayed.”
5. As a result of Paul going to Jerusalem and on to Rome, we have his prison epistles: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1and 2 Timothy, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Titus, and Philemon. Are we to think these were written by a DISOBEDIENT APOSTLE?
6. WHERE DID PAUL EVER CALL HIMSELF “A prisoner as a result of MY disobedience?” OR “a prisoner of Rome?”

1. Will you tell us where these words are found, who said it and what the omitted words are: “a prisoner of _____.  ______ ” ?
2. I will make this one easier. Just fill in the blanks and then tell me if the Lord said Paul did a good thing or a bad thing in going to Jerusalem.
In Jerusalem: “And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast ________  ___  ___  ___ __________, so must thou bear _______ also at ______ . (Acts 23:11 KJB)
3. On the ship to Rome during the storm:

“21 But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss.
22 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man’s life among you, but of the ship.
23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,
24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Cæsar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.
25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.” (Acts 27:21-25 KJB)

“.God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.”
I have been JOYFULLY “sailing with Paul” through the air over the USA, South America, China, Mongolia, and water between the islands of the Philippines, preaching THE GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD TO ALL MEN EVERYWHERE for the past 50 years. Though we may at times be bound by men, we are always “the prisoner of Jesus Christ”.

“Wherein I suffer trouble, AS an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.” (2 Timothy 2:9 KJB)
NOTICE THE “AS an evil doer”. Don’t you critics of Paul’s trip to Jerusalem-Rome think you ought to confess you have been “an evil doer” in attacking the word of God and accusing His Apostle to the Gentiles, and repent 180°?